I have a few emails that my link to Nathalie was working sometimes and not others. Why does typepad have to be sooooo frustrating? So here is her address in case you can't click on the link.
Also, check out my Easter banner I made with the kids a few weeks ago. It is using all new American Crafts COnfetti line and of course Scrapbook Adhesives by 3L. It is fun!
How's is everyone's Easter holiday going? I LOVE that this week off with the kids is warm weather! well the teeny weeny thunderstorm today was refreshing, but I am loving the warmth. Jager even got a sunburn as well as at least a hundred new freckles. I LOVE freckles. so I told him how cool those were.
Riley just can't keep his teeth in his mouth. seriously. Here's his freaky look. I told him he's not very scary. He tried to prove me wrong. Watching him eat has been quite hilarious.
If Jager isn't an accountant or dentist I will be shocked. He has to examine Riley's mouth very intently everytime he loses and daily to see if new teeth are coming.
And then speaking of Jag. This one is for you Vicki Boutin. You love coming home to my house and laughing at my kids body painted and how they even paint in their ears. Here's Jager for you.
such concentration. AND I have a whole bunch of photos so look for them one day in my scrapboking. I LOVE them all but I will just show you a few!!!!!
And then my husband joins in.... see it isn't just me.
and people wonder why I scrapbook.seriously, I am living with performers that provide me with gold. It would be a shame if I didn't capture them.
Easter was very nice. We delayed a few of our traditional activities as we were out of town. and Lucky us, the kids don't know dates very well yet, so they aren't sticklers. So we painted the eggs and they had their "hunt" today. Which was almost foiled because of princess below. No one told the kids to go looking for them but she snuck out and came back in with her face covered in chocolate AND had already scored quite a few and hid them in her bicycle pouch. So of course MAJOR emergency, quickly had to wake up Jager, tell the kids to get dressed. and off we were collecting. The best part, they had only 2 tiny eggs, and were content with that. So only little sugar = manageable kids = happy mom.
The kids were pumped,and even more excited when we went into the house to decorate the eggs. This year, we used Tattered Angels Glimmer Mist, Glam & Glaze. total fun time, and EVERYTHING was glittery. I broke out the Kaisercraft pearls and rhinestones, Clearsnap glitter, American Crafts markers and Harmonie stickers. boy did we have fun! the kids said this was the BEST year ever for decorating. I agree. SO I think no more store bought cheap dyes, momma's breaking out the good stuff.
After all, future artists in the making.
I didn't get any pics of Riley, he was far more interested in something else. He is starting to get a little tired of the pics. :( (Or maybe is it in the same day????)
anyways, I got a dozen of JAger showing off his faves.
Then we went to my gramma's for a birthday party. Of course a snazzy affair. as you see below...
We call her gramma when she wears this pair. Too funny.
But the hit of the party was the BeyBlades. Our kids finally earned theirs on the weekend and man has our house gotten a little louder. especially since Ireland can play and Jim has joined in. Fun times. But be prepared, if you are a boy and invite my kids to your bday party, expect these. They are in love with them right now.
Well, I should go to bed. I am tired, it's hard having fun all day. and then purging all night. But I am sooo proud of myself. I have made 3 major garbages, 2 huge boxes of scrap paper, 9 boxes of stuff to sell. And I have completely reshelved, counted and categorized my kitting room. Also made 23 kits all ready for me to scrap at crops. So that is fabulous!!!!!! My goal, to purge another 10 boxes downstairs, make a few ore kits and fill at least 3 more boxes to donate.
I had 2 more boxes arrive today, 2 more on the way, and a wall full I haven't opened that arrived before Camp Croppin. So I am going to try to (once I get organized and purged) to start the motto:
for every box that comes in I MUSt have one go out OR have a box full of layouts/ projects to show for it.
hmm, no guarantees. But I will try.
well off to conquer the world, or at least my scrap space. (aka my scrap house that is slowly seeing the light)
wish me luck!!!!!