I am in LOVE with Ellie Gouldings song "Lights". Love it. and I'm okay putting it on repeat. Especially when Jim's not around. lol. That's one thing that is never ending in our household (well besides scrapbook boxes of product, or the fact that they simply keep coming besides the fact that Jim would love to send change of address cards. I think I'm starting to break him in...slowly. about as fast as I can get him to try a new vegetable...
Anyways, I have found that I am seriously a believer in certain music reminds you of specific times and people. When I hear a song, I can remember where I was, who I was with. Sometimes it is good, sometimes I feel sad, sometimes I laugh thinking why on earth did I date that fool? Anyways, good times. So one thing I have realized is this. When I need to work on projects and I mean get them done. I have to break out the 90's. The years when I first started really enjoying music. The years when I started meeting the bad boys. lol, well "bad" in my eyes.
Please don't judge me now, it is something I can't help. But bring on Motley Cure, and Poison, Journey, Annie Lennox, Van Halen, Heart. Yep you know if "All I wanna Do" or Dr. feelgood come on, I'm singing like I'm in the shower. I CAN'T HELP IT I should really be committed.
So with CHA Chicago starting next week, I have had a week of utter chaos trying to prep samples and artwork to take. I {{HEART}} Chicago. (ask me that in my trucking days and definitely the true trucker mouth would've come out.) But walking the Michigan Ave with friends is the epitome of a good time!!!! The only thing better would be if my Saucy was there once when we were, I think she'd have a few tricks to show us!!!!

Okay back to the music for a few minutes. I also am the person who probably knows every song on the radio, totally not as good as my friend Vicki Boutin, holeycamoley, that girl is a living jukebox. Pure Entertainment, fun times!!!! But when I am at home and want to just chill, you will definitely hear me cranking the opera. I know, you are probably totally saying WTF? I am pretty sure Jim HAS said that.
Or my second favourite is the ENTIRE CD from The Last of the Mohicans. okay, have I lost you now, are you officially leaving my blog. lol.

I have to say I cried a few tears when that CD got "accidentally wrecked", completely my husbands fault. I think back and wonder if he did it on purpose ( conspiracy theory). Actually in our younger, dating/early marriage, redneck days we may or may not have done A LOT of 4x4ing in the mud fields with all our friends. (these pics are the closest thing to what we really did look like, sometimes worse.

One of the perks of growing up on a farm, everyone you know has trucks. Well one day we went out with 7 trucks, filled to the brim with peeps and 4x4'd on the river beds by BareA$$ beach. Anyways, in a split minute Jim thought he could cross the low spot of the river with his truck. Yep, you can't. And pretty much water floods your truck faster than you can imagine, but funny enough it is also the fastest way to see every guy friend you know drop their pants, get down to their skivvies and start pushing the truck out. Well with like 14 guys pushing, still didn't work, so good thing another friend lived close and pulled us out with the tractor. good times, good times. (I say that smart a$$ like, but in all truth, probably one of the most fun nights I have had in MY LIFE EVER.) so long story short. When the water came in, so did an enormous amount of sand, and it completely gets in everything you own. All my CDS were destroyed. So possibly Jim might've seen this one move as a success mission. He makes fun of me ALL THE TIME.
This IS the closest photo I can find of what our truck looked like INSIDE and OUTSIDE.

I do NOT even tell a lie. It took hundreds of dollars to clean the outside and inside. And then because the truck was BRAND spanking new, we had to have 3 or 4 transmission fluid flushes, and who knows what other fluids got flushed. And then shocking, we blew the transmission 2 days later in FRONT of the Dodge dealership. True story. We pushed it into their parking lot, and voila, a week later had a new truck. Gotta love warranty. They don't seem to have a no 4x4 ing clause. I WOULD if I owned a dealership in Saskatchewan.
oh I could tell stories about that night, but my momma might spank my bum. So forever Jim and I and all our friends will giggle and giggle.
Well okay I feel you twisted my arm to tell you just one. Our friend Curt had just bought a new 4x4 that same day we weent out. My two bros were in his vehicle along with a couple other friends. They stopped in the most perfectly muddy area to take a pee. all 4 guys opened their doors and just peed out of them. Jim, being the funny guy he is. (he actually is the funniest guy I know) started cutting doughnuts around and around and around. They got COVERED in mud, and in the truck too. No one could stop laughing, and sadly, nowadays I would cry and cry if I had to clean it now. But back then it sure was funny. And then of course the next 4-6 hours consisted of all the guys doing the same kinda thing back to each other. We all went home with a good ole Saskatchewan mud bath. And the music was blaring as loud as it could, and my fave song was when "Great balls of Fire" came on and we all simulated playing a piano on the dashboard or seats.
Best part, the NEXT day I had a major family reunion, and Jim didn't come cause it took the ENTIRE day to clean the truck and engine, etc. So you try hard not to tell the truth to everyone who asks without giggling. pretty positive I said he just wasn't feeling well. ...okay once in awhile small white lies are okay...
Well I really do feel like blogging more, so see you tomorrow.