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October 11, 2011



Help! We just attempted the outdoor milk jug igloo and all it took was one good wind storm to take it down. Also the first day the temp was so close to 4C that the glue was cracking.

Did you encounter any problems with weather and how did you get around them?

Any advice would be great! Thanks!

Aspen Peggs

Hi Leica!

I have 4 jugs, rinsed, dried and lids on for you. We go through about 1 a week, so let me know when you want to come and get some. I will keep saving them for you until you come!

I live in Arbor Creek,


i have been following this on face book.. i can't wait to see it finished and with snow!!!!

Debbie Standard

Oh girl this is fabulous - got to make some pages here! What a story and how sweet of everyone to go along with this!

Dena Kasner

AWESOME!!! Love the fact that your whole family got involved. I will start sving my jugs for you! I have about 20 that are ready for recycling but don't have lids - RATS!!!

Dawn Hueser

This really rocks Leica and I would like your family to adopt me!

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