This to me is my childhood. Growing up on a farm with loving parents, experiencing the stillness and calm of the surroundings, this picture brought me happiness yesterday when I saw it. So immediately I contacted my photographer that is taking our pictures at the farm in October, and said, can you capture this feel for our photos in the fall? She is amazing and was excited, now so am I. :) Small things= greatness.
You just have to believe you can always move mountains. Today was just a wonderful day, from the morning I woke up to every part of the day. And you know what, it was just an ordinary day.
I slept in...on a MONDAY morning. That NEVER EVER happens. That means I had 4 straight days of sleep ins (Jim came home on Thursday. And I know it is such a small thing to be grateful for, but in my world, life of a pitiful insomniac that will never be cured. I take hours to get to bed. I can't shut off my brain, I have to reach the absolute tired and exhaustion stage to fall asleep...however, once I am there, I am pretty much dead to the world, UNLESS my kids cry. I have slept through multiple fire alarms in hotels where they've been evacuated, I've slept through trains blowing their horns, everything and anything that has a noise. So for me, when Jim is home, it is HEAVEN, because he loves the morning routines with the kids. And truth be told, only my mom and Jim can make breakfast's worth waking up for oh and his Aunt Peggy makes killer eggs benedict too. And that is how I woke up everyday this weekend. So for me, a permanent smile on my face as I feel refreshed, not sleep deprived and just plain ole happy for the extra days with Jim. Love that dude.
Today consisted of errands, deliveries, going to the gym, nothing unusual or any reason to be excited. However, why it was great, was because I chose to find the best in the day, to make it awesome. It's the little things. Like today, I had to pic up 2 books I ordered through Indigo, I phoned my gramma to see if she wanted to come with Ireland & I and hang out in the bookstore. She had mentioned she had never been there before and I told her once that it was one of my ABSOLUTE favourite places to hang. She LOVED it, had a great time with us reading books and playing in the kids area. Awesome, awesome , awesome. That is a memory I will hold onto as, it is one that we won't be able to do forever.
Then to answer a text, I pulled off the road at a 3 way stop. A truck pulled up beside me trying to flag down a woman that was driving erratically. She took off without listening to the man. Totally peaked my curiosity, then the driver of the truck looked at me, here it was my cousin Ace. We shared a smile then he pulled off to for a nice visit. Here he told me he saw the woman's hubcap come off and he jumped in his vehicle to try to catch her to let her know. She wouldn't even stop and he lost her at the 3 way stop. This made my day, because it was just one more reminder how I really was born into a family with such high morals and honesty and the determination to do good and make the world a better place.
I recently was told on facebook that why am I always happy, don't I have bad days? Oh heck ya!!!!! But I don't want to let them get the better of me. I want to look back at my life knowing I was honest, not a complainer, didn't blindside friends, use people, treat others like sh$t, or dwell in the yucky parts of life. Instead I want my kids to look back and always know I tried to do my best. Every. single. day.
Look for the awesome in life. Here's a few from my today...
- Twice today i got into the van and heard GREAT songs. Songs worthy of singing loud and not caring who watched me. Songs that immediately put me back to some fun fun fun times with Natalie when we were in University.
- In the book of Awesome ( simply a must if you plan on enjoying the little things in life) I loved reading "the smell of crayons". how true, simple memories of childhood flood in of when I was in Mrs. Rutherford's class and how she always was so kind and gentle and dressed pretty and I was happy.
Or this one "the thank you wave when you let someone in" This is so important, let's breed happy drivers not road rage ones.
I will leave you with this.
I came across a few fun things on Pinterest. Love this. I WILL put it in my house one day. IT is so true to our family motto. The trick will be finding a wall big enough that I haven't already covered in sayings.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that wall art! It made me smile & was exactly what I needed to hear today. Thanks so much for sharing!
Posted by: Char Dobson | June 26, 2011 at 08:59 PM
This really speaks to me and yes I always love your optimism. There is so many simple things in life to celebrate and enjoy. Happiness is a choice don't you think? Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful week!
Posted by: Lee-Anne | June 21, 2011 at 11:28 AM
Absolutely LOVED this read!!! Thanks for sharing Leica!! The little things do make a difference and I always wave when someone lets me in or waits for me on a side street! It makes my day when they wave to me when I do the same! Enjoy your family time!
Posted by: Angie Nicholson | June 20, 2011 at 05:38 PM