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« Happy National Scrapbook Day!!!!! | Main | more She Art girls »

May 08, 2011



These are all amazing. I love them!

Miami cataract surgery

Wish you luck to accomplish the pledge, it's quite hard, but with ambition and perseverance you will succeed, have fun and wait for news from you, great layouts with She Art :D

Diana Hetherington

I too am doing the She Art class and i find it so hard to describe exactly how i feel.. I LOVE MY SHE's!!!!!
and i too have given one away.. and am trying to create some for others as well!!!

Corinne Braun

i LOVE your She art! sooo makes me want to do more of that too - wasn't that class great?

hmmm - i've done some layouts - now time to play with some art stuff too! thanks for the visit on friday night!


LOVE Love Your she Art! You are soo sweet. What a great friend!

angie blom

Beautiful .. love the she art! It is just amazing! Happy Mother's Day!!

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