Last minute details before the crop. I unfortunately have come down with bronchitis and landed in the hospital. So I am trying to lay low to get a voice back, get healthier and be allowed to come this weekend. I do need help on a few things though in order to pull this off because I am definitely no where near lung strong right now and time is running out. If you can help, email me at [email protected] so we don't end up with a whole bunch of people doing the same task.
#1. can anyone pull together some sort of fun photo area with props. At this point go with whatever could be cool. It will be set up in the school entrance way.
#2.can we get a crew to help set up tables on Friday day. This takes around 3-4 hours. I am hoping to start in the am.
#3.Anyone want to be an mc? Mel? I will have everything prepared in writing so you won't have to wing it.
Now this is a message from Sasha and the Cheerio sprinkles.
I'm sorry to hear about your bronchitis... BTW Those cupcakes look scrumptious!
Posted by: Supplies | November 12, 2010 at 09:41 AM
FEEL BETTER SOON!! The girls and I will be on hand early on Friday to help out however else we can other than doing cupcakes!! I LOVE to put them to work!!
Posted by: Sasha | November 09, 2010 at 06:02 PM