so before I tell you my story of why I give that title. these words are going to end up haunting my little Jager when he is older...
"Um, no thanks, my feet are cold, and I want to just stay with my mom." again he was asked. to which he gave the same response. (this mother was mortified, and no amount of bribery could weaken him, and in fact he staged a protest in embarassment.) So read on to find out my story...
I stayed up very late last night cleaning my scrap area downstairs (in other words getting it so we could socialize down there again. for the last 5 months that has been impossible as it was filled with boxes and goody bags, and well as much stuff as a store. lol. So as I may have said earlier, I now have a 20x15 place to store all the boxes I get throughout the year. just give me a window and it would definitely be my happy place. So now the room is filled with 23 boxes already, only 1 more truckload from my house, and we are officially "clean". lol If you are a scrapbooker is you house ever totally clean from supplies? well not in this household. But I definitely have 2 designated areas: upstairs is the mag and design team area, downstairs, my personal collection of fun. So wish me luck I hope to have these perfect by the weekend.
So I lost the deal, my turn to get up with Riley to get him ready for school. (actually Jim had to work, and he had stayed up late with me, so it was only fair. So of course I was tired, cranky, sore from lifting boxes. Got Riley on the bus, and jumped back in bed. 10 min. later I sat straight up, panicked cause I realized that my passport had arrived back from renewal, I opened it but did not bring it in from the van. So I ran downstairs, looked in our "passport spot" only 4. Mine was not there. then proceeded to run upstairs, ask Jim if he saw it in the mail. No. So then I spent over an hour ripping the van apart, the main floor (creating a HUGE HUGE mess for me to clean,nice. No passport and I leave the country in a week. So I burst out in tears, crying like an idiot, panicked, embarrassed not sure what to do. Ireland finds me in the hall crying, so she just hugs me. sweet kid. Jim comes out and looks at me like I've lost my mind. (I cry like once a decade pretty much, ok, a little exaggeration, maybe twice.and here I am losing it.) Why? well for one thing, when I say I am going to do something, you can ALWAYS count on me. E.V.E.R.Y. time. literally. So then I made a list of who I'd disappoint if I couldn't go. my wonderful beautiful bosses, my colleagues, the 6 manufacturers that I am bringing my artwork for, Tattered Angels cause I am taking classes and doing a demo and education for them on 2 different days, the list goes on and on. How could I be so irresponsible. This is Not me. So then I figure, ok, I've had a migraine for a week, it's gotten better, but I have been known to blackout when I take the meds. So now I started ripping apart weird places. nope. Then my husband goes to the desk, spends 1 SECOND looking and finds it in one of his "safe" places. I could've KILLED him. He forgot he did put it aside so the kids wouldn't get it. So I told him I like aged at least 10 years today. So all is fine and dandy, passport in it's "place". I am at peace.
The day now can begin, we do a little work at the shop and on a whim I decided to head to Vimy Memorial bandstand to check out the Olympic celebrations. Now this is where I figure God enjoys me being his court jester, but then rewards me in tremendous ways. I couldn't even guess how many people were there. WOW! way to go Saskatoon. WE rocked it! One thing led to another, and I was taken to the front side of the stage, put in the media area, kids were showered with flags, tamborines, pins and all the good stuff. How on earth were we blessed with this spot. Jager could see perfectly, Ireland on my shoulders. I of course equipped with a camera. WE danced, sang, laughed, cried. It was so beautiful, very emotional, tugged at every heart string how proud everyone was. the cheering, the flags, the smiles, the show. POWERFUL! I would watch it again and again LIVE if I could.
Anyways, a girl comes up asks Jager," do you want to come onstage and pass the torch to the mayor?" OMG, I personally think my kids are cute, but come on, are you freaking kidding me? Jager???? I am stoked, I have prime location for pics, it will be something amazing he can look back on when he's older, something to tell his kids. Of course, my performer of the family. awesome awesome awesome. until...
his reply...
"Um, no thanks, my feet are cold, and I want to just stay with my mom." yeppers, my little mommas boy. Tonight in the bath, I asked him why he didn't want to go onstage.(they only chose one boy, one girl.) He said well they are all strangers mom. Well, I guess good parenting comes in somewhere in this equation. So I will instead remind him of this when he is older for "laughs".
So I leave you with a few pics. I took hundreds but I haven't been home to go through them, bootcamp started again tonight and I am exhausted and a hot hot bath is looking far more delicious than going through photos.
last but not least, the little boy (could've been Jager...) I, the mother of the child who had no desire to go on stage) will get over it.. . eventually...after I talk about it for a decade... just kidding.
just jokes, these 2 kids ROCKED it!!!! way to go guys.
Just to end my story. The best part of my week, sitting for 3 hrs with Kate, (who originally stopped by for a quick pickup/dropoff of goodies) on my front stairs swapping stories from highschool. Can you say, laughing at the memories, OMG? I LOVED it KAte, we simply must dish the dish again. possibly without burning
I have boot camp again tomorrow, I possibly might be in bed by 6pm. possibly no blogging...but if I survive I do have stuff to share.
lol. wish me luck.