well Kelly D. you are today's winner. I drew from a hat myself and yours was the last name I put in, must be lucky. Too funny! I am giving you a Luxe Designs kit. (patterned paper, & rub ons)
Okay so if you are just joining me today. I'm hosting the 12 days of Christmas, I'm giving away lot's of prizes, and daily! Just leave a comment for a chance to win. Mostly it is a random draw because I've received too many awesome answers to pick. And if you enter at least 2 times plus on the 25th you get 2 extra chances to win the massive prize on Christmas Day! Everyone has emailed me asking what is in the Crop & Cruise Bag. Okay, I can't keep a secret;
- a fabulous Crop & Cruise Bag
- Tilano Fresco product (okay like if you haven't got your Christmas gifts done, these are a must. memorable keepsakes that are SIMPLE to create, but look absolutely expensive and breathtaking. check out tilanofresco.com
- Rob & Bob ALbum (8x8) from Provo Craft, cute!
- lot's of patterned paper (from many different sponsors; Basic Grey, Daisy Bucket, Luxe Designs, American Crafts,and there is more but I'm forgetting)
- cardstock from Bazzill
- rub ons from Luxe (awesome by the way!!!!)
- lot's of ribbon from various companies
- chipboard shapes
- acrylic letters from Zsiage (no one in Saskatoon carries these by the way, so a pretty hot item!!)
- an acrylic circle album from Picutre It PageFrames
- Canadian Scrapbooker Magazine
- and maybe a few more surprises once I've totally unpacked our suitcases full of scrapbook product!!!!!
Okay, are you excited now? I will tell you for the final draw it will be a random draw that I'm actually going to make my husband draw. (just so he feels a part of this memorable game for me, okay yes I'm sarcastically laughing at myself. join in, it's okay to laugh!)
So the hits are great. I actually heard one yesterday, "Santa Baby" but it was by someone else. It was a good song. I put together a list for Jimmy to download, so I'm excited, I'd keep taking them though if you thought of anymore. I want a night of music with no repeats for our party. Thanks for the huge help.!!!!
So for the ninth day of Christmas what should we do? How about traditions. Tell me yours...At Christmas is there any specific traditions that you do right now or used to do in the past, and wish you still do them? Or how about food, do your meals change or are they the exact same stuff year to year? Or are you glad you guys scratched the tradition?
In our family, every Christmas we have the exact same thing. Last year, my mom threw in a kicker. We always have turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, Auntie Nancy's turnip casserole,Auntie Bonnie's Caesar salad, peas & carrots, pickles, cheeses, olives, buns, stuffing (hmm am I forgetting anything?) oh yes and dessert; Mississippi Mud Pie, and pies. I seriously can't remember this ever changing. Last year my mom made Pecan Maple glaze carrots. OMG IT was fantastic. I've never seen my kids eat that many carrots in my life.
Our Christmas is always full (Easter & Thanksgiving we do the exact same routine almost); it used to be Christmas Eve at my parents, my grampa & gramma Elian had lunch Christmas day, then we'd have supper with Jim's family (quite a few years we even left straight from my grandparents to get to Moose Jaw(buffalo Pound Lake) for supper. Then the next day was my gramma Elliott's so we'd stay the night and drive back to the city. then we'd always attend the Schroh's Christmas party after supper, and then wander between my Great Aunt Dora's & Uncle Peter's family, and also My Aunt Andrena's & Uncle John's family. My family is huge and I have numerous cousins my age (and that of my siblings) so it was always good times had by all. We kept up this tradition since 1998. Then when we had to slow down when we had kids. IT was too hectic. Like duh! So this year is much calmer, we have Christmas Day supper with Jim's family, during the day we will visit my 2 other aunt/uncle's previously mentioned, Boxing day with my grandpa/ma Elian, Dec.30th with my Grandpa/ma Elliott. And this year just a fun party for all our family & friends. So sometimes traditions have to be altered as the family gets bigger. Now my sister is married, My brother Shane is practically married, so there is other people now involved in our chaos.
One tradition though I wish we still did, it is my absolute fondest memory I have of my childhood: My parents used to throw a massive bash in the Christmas holidays, and invite EVERY single Elian out there, (okay there are hundreds literally!) and almost everyone would show up (not the ones from the East very often as it was a little far away for a party). My mom would host this amazing buffet meal, where all the fabulous women relatives would bring their speciality dishes/ desserts, the teens eat downstairs, little kids & adults upstairs, and it would be loud and full of chaos. Then dad had the tractor with the flat deck loaded with square bales. We'd go on this massive sleigh ride. I can remember my cousins Doug & Larry picking us up and throwing us into the snowbanks and then we'd have to run for our lives to catch back up and someone would always be there to help you back on. We'd sing carols and I can always remember so much laughter. That always rings prominent in our family. It's funny, because now it is so hard to get all of us together, but almost every wedding or funeral (unfortunately) is when we are all together as an extended family. The coolest thing is that even though we all live all over this country we still keep in touch!
So I can't wait to hear from you guys any of your traditions. Send them my way! Any that will make me die laughing? I'm in for a good laugh!