Okay, so I hope you guys are enjoying the awesome weather. I spent 2 hours taking pictures of my layouts. Yes, I am going to show you! I have added so many layouts to all my galleries, slowly hopefully by the end of next week I will have transferred my stuff over completely. It's like moving into a new house!LOL. Thanks so much for all your patience. I've received the kindest support & comments ever, and shockingly in only 3 days I've had 548 visits! I love how Typepad automatically keeps track and sends reports. It's cool to see people interested. THANK YOU!
So I added new layouts to my LUXE DESIGNS gallery, my misc.gallery and my NEW gallery.
I did this one at Splurge the other night. (just for anyone wondering , if you need that break from your family, Grab a great group of friends and enjoy that time together. I have never been so excited as when I was getting ready to go that night. First of all, I definitely splurge with THE BEST SCRAPBOOKERS in town! Friendly, encouraging, amazing, great company, supportive, funny, nice,and very talented! NO JOKES! I am considering this my most favourite night out! obviously second to a date with my husband... ) and even though some of our splurge club is missing, we do love when she calls...hi Tracy!)
So anyways, long ramble, here's my simple page. Love how it turned out. Does anyone recognize the sentence card at the bottom? It is totally vintage. I bought it at my latest greatest store online. They had a booth at Scrapfest and I kept returning and returning and returning. LOVED IT! waiting in suspense? It is Papier Valise. Her store has Russian medical note pads, old cattle tags, stuff from years ago. It is such an amazing journey. I am so excited to work on a few more heritage layouts after this find! And the best part, is none of it has been recreated. It is the very stuff from the different eras. Check it out!
p>The following page I also did at Splurge, I added the beads, not as excited about, but I'm missing something. SO any ideas? It is Basic Grey paper with Luxe Rub ons. I truthfully LOVE their rub ons.
I love the carefree spirit of this photo. Riley is laughing while running. He is having so much fun! Another totally LUXE DESIGNS layout. Doesn't their line go so well with these photos.
My last LUXE DESIGNS layout of the night. Look at the boys tongues while they run. Hilarious. I wonder if Jim & I run with our tongues out? Would we know it? Anyways, I can stare at this photo forever. I love the expressions, the excitement, their passion to do everything together. It is beautiful.
Thank you for looking at my layouts, make sure you check my galleries because I probably won't be posting all of them in my posts. I did add 72 to the one gallery. See you tomorrow.